Spigarello & Red Frill Salad


This is the perfect salad for this weeks CSA bundle. If you have the small or full size, just use the Spigarello. Family and Large sizes, use the spigarello and red frill.

Red Frill is a type of frilly mustard green, and as someone who’s sensitive to bitter flavors, I can tell you red frill is not too spicy or bitter to me. It’s just right. It’s a very pretty mild flavored green bunch. Spigarello reminds me a little bit of collard or broccoli greens, and it’s beautiful and curly.

These two green bunches have something in common, they’re a rare find, and we’re putting them together in one salad!


  • 1 bunch Spigarello

  • 1 bunch Red Frill

  • 1 head fennel 

  • Cluster Tomatoes

  • Olive Oil

  • Hemp Seeds

  • Seasoned Salt

  • A little jalapeno (if you want some spice)

  • Salad Dressing of choice. I used “Butter Barns” Lemongrass dressing. Tahini dressing would also go really well with this. Or just use the meyer lemons and paprika! That’s enough, and so tasty!

Shave the fennel head with a mandoline. Or slice it as thin as you can. Chop the greens, to your desired size.

Mix the greens and fennel in a bowl, add olive oil and salt, and massage everything so it breaks down really nice. It helps to wear gloves because it gets messy.

The tomatoes we’re getting this week are little sizes. Chop those in quarters and throw them in. Add hemp seeds or your choice of seeds or nuts, and dressing on top. You can add a little bit of tiny chopped jalapeno if you like.


Celery Salad


Parsley Avocado Dip